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So this is obviously a big talking point. There are a lot of myths surrounding fat loss results and menopause so I am here to tell you the facts and the things you need to think about

So menopause does NOT make a calorie deficit stop working! I hope that that would be obvious BUT menopause does affect things that help performance like sleep and therefore may hinder fat loss

So let’s start with age & why fat loss might not be as easy and the secret is muscle mass!! Do you know at the age of 30 bone & muscle density starts to decline if exercise isn’t performed. We have on countless occasions told everyone in the group about the benefits of muscle mass and fat loss. So if we have maintained a good physical fitness level over the years this shouldn’t be much of a problem for you.

So this is top tip number 1... Start resistance training and eat a higher protein diet

Menopause obviously means that you don’t have a menstrual cycle anymore so the fluctuations in weight won’t be as aggressive so you can compare your progress week to week instead of every 4 weeks which is fantastic for staying on track but this next bit of info is the big kick in the teeth... Fat oxidation will slow down but this shouldn’t be used as an excuse not to get the results you want!! You just need to be a little more patient.

So this is top tip number 2... Eat in a very small deficit 300-500, have a high protein diet & lift weights to build muscle & be very very patient

We also have the problem of having unrealistic standards or we just don’t realise how much we have to give up to get the body we want. Your body has been through a lot and it won’t be the same as a 25 year old. If you maintain a calorie deficit for long enough you will continue to lose fat but you will have to make sacrifices whether that’s the glasses of wine, meals out or your social life.. is it worth it for a few % less of body fat?? That’s for you to decide.

Top tip number 3... Eat for health (mental health is part of that aswell, whether that’s drinking with friends or having some chocolate now and again). Train for strength

Any other questions!! Comment below

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