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Manage your hunger & appetite and get the results you want.

The 'secret' to fat loss is managing your hunger & appetite and of course maintaining a calorie deficit for X amount of time. So how do we manage hunger & appetite to help us get the results we want??

Unfortunately its different for everyone

Obviously we have tips and tricks to help you feel more satisfied like eat more protein, eat more vegetables & drink more water but in terms of your calorie targets everybody is different. You would think eating as much food as possible and staying in a small deficit would leave you feeling fuller & less likely to snack or over indulge (now if this works for you then please don't change anything) but its actually not the case for most.

For lots of people they can manage hunger a lot better by dropping their calories into a 1000+ calorie deficit & some people even 2000 calories but not only does your hunger levels get suppressed you can also thrive off the motivation of fast results. Whether we do this for 1 or 2 weeks this can really lay the ground work for future weeks & months of maintaining a calorie deficit by managing your appetite first.

Calorie targets are not as easy as 'this is your calorie target now try & hit it everyday'. If that calorie target doesn't control your hunger or appetite then you are swimming against the tide & you will find things more difficult. In a world where all diets are difficult thats the last thing we want.

Have a play around with your calorie targets, your macro splits & your meal timings. Log how you feel on a day to day basis & find whats right for you. NOT YOUR PT.

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