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The effects of anticipated deprivation on food intake in restrained and unrestrained eaters.

The study above is a prime example of how people who are just about to start a diet (restrained eaters) consume drastically more calories than those who aren't (unrestrained eaters).

What does this tell you?

Are diets bad? Absolutely not. This study clearly shows that most of the time highly restricted diets (cutting out the foods you enjoy completely) are less successful than people who have less restricted diets.

Should I start my diet on Monday?

If you feel the need to binge on the Saturday & Sunday before you start your 'diet' you are probably going about it the wrong way. You are preparing yourself to restrict these types of foods (the ones you are highly consuming this weekend) which means you have the notion that there are types of foods that are 'OFF LIMITS' or foods that are 'good or bad' for you during your 6-8-10 week period. The main problem lies is what happens after you consume these 'bad' foods in a 'moment of weakness'?. Are you a failure? Do you quit? These are sticky situations that a high % of people find themselves in all the time.

How do I move forward? Should I be less restrictive?

Because it doesn't work for most people that doesn't mean it won't work for you. Some people really thrive off a highly restricted diet and get fantastic results. If you ever feel anxious or stressed about a pending diet you need to take a step back and think about whether it is the right time. Try taking smaller steps towards your goals, pick less restrictive diets, look long-term for results and always try & enjoy your food.

Realise what 'good or bad' foods actually are... Just calories.

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